People working in the Sexual Health + HIV-sector with Australian rural and remote communities urged to join delegations in Adelaide
October 2016: People working in the Sexual Health + HIV-sector with Australian rural and remote communities are encouraged to join two exciting delegations, in the final lead up to the Australasian Sexual Health Conference (Monday 14 — Wednesday 16 November 2016) held back-to-back with the Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference (Wednesday 16 — Friday 18 November 2016) in Adelaide, Australia. This scheduling has created a full educational 5‑day program of high quality research in our fields, and a key opportunity to network + form important collaborations with hundreds of the key people working in Sexual Health and HIV in Australasia – keeping you informed of who’s who and of potential opportunities.
Despite the registration closing date lapsed on 28 October, late registrations are being accepted right up to both events.
“We are pleased that the Australasian Sexual Health Conference and the Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference are to be held in Adelaide this November offering an excellent opportunity for South Australian health workers and those from our neighbouring States and Territories to experience these closer to home,” states Prof. Paddy A Phillips, Chief Medical Officer & Chief Public Health Officer of South Australia Health.
“The conferences are vital for remaining informed on changes in the HIV and Sexual Health sectors and to network across the many disciplines in attendance.”
A/Prof. James Ward (Head Infectious Diseases Aboriginal Health, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, SA, Australia) further adds: “Holding the conferences together in Adelaide this November represents a great opportunity for rural and remote people in the sector to attend these conferences.”
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
As co-committee program member of both conferences, A/Prof James Ward stresses the imperative focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health contained in both conferences programs that shouldn’t be missed by anyone working in this field and invested in strengthening public health outcomes.
A/Prof James Ward will present a keynote address on the Evidence of divergence in HIV rates in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities on Wednesday 16 November. This topic will be explored in greater detail during a panel on Thursday 17 November discussing the imperative of ensuring that Aboriginal people are not the 10–10-10 in the 90–90-90 health strategy targets – that no one gets left behind.
This imperative underpins various other conference program highlights on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health:

Photo above: A/Prof James Ward, co-committee member of the 2016 Australasian Sexual Health + HIV&AIDS Conferences speaks of International viral hepatitis responses for indigenous peoples at the 10th Australasian Viral Hepatitis Conference from September 2016
Program Highlights: Indigenous Symposia
The Indigenous Symposia held on Tuesday 15 November from 3.30pm – 5.00pm, comprises:
- Barbara Nattabi (Senior Lecturer, Western Australia Centre for Rural Health, University of Western Australia) speaking on Variation in Sexual Health Care Delivery at Primary Health Care Level in Australia: Findings from the Audit and Best Practice for Chronic Disease Projects
- Linda Garton (Remote Sexual Health Program Manager, NT Department of Health) who will present An Interim Evaluation of Outbreak Response Effectiveness to Control the Syphilis Outbreak in the Northern Territory, 2014–2016
- Honors Student, Daniel Difiore (South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, SA) speaking onMethamphetamine, sexual health knowledge and attitudes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people: Results from the GOANNA survey
- Esteemed community elder, Gracelyn Smallwood (Professor, James Cook University, Queensland) who reports on the final results from the STRIVE study inThe importance of Community Development, “A Bottoms Up Approach” on the community responses addressing the increased notifications associated with the syphilis outbreak were first reported in northwest Queensland in January 2011.
Program Highlights: Clinical Sexual Health & Epidemiology
Proffered paper sessions on Clinical Sexual Health and Epidemiology on Monday 14 November at 2pm – 3.30pm, include:
- Amy Burroughs (Australian National University & Australian Government Department of Health) who speaks on Recent Trends in Syphilis in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and Non-Indigenous Persons in Australia and the notifications that have increased significantly in Australia over the last ten years. This paper highlights that disparity remains between rates in Indigenous versus non-indigenous persons where high rates in Indigenous women increase the risk of congenital syphilis.
- Johanna Dups (Communicable Disease Control Directorate, Department of Health Western Australia) who presents An Outbreak of Infectious Syphilis in Northern Australia: The Epidemiology and Public Health Response. This paper outlines the work of the Multijurisdictional Syphilis Outbreak Group (MJSO) of the Communicable Diseases Network Australia, which formed in April 2015 in response to an increase in infectious syphilis notifications among young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in northern Australia. It describes the epidemiology of the outbreak 2011–2015, the public health response and the activities of the MJSO.
About the Australasian HIV & AIDS Conference
The 2016 Australasian HIV&AIDS Conference marks the 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM)—and continues its run as the premier HIV Conference in Australia and the Asia and Pacific region.
The conference was first launched in 1989 in response to the emerging area of clinical care for HIV. Since its inception as a small meeting of medical practitioners brought together under the umbrella of ASAP (the Australian Society of AIDS Physicians) the HIV&AIDS Conference has grown into the region’s premier medical/scientific conference in the HIV and related diseases sector, attracting speakers and delegates from around the world.
Since 2005 the Conference has been held back-to-back with the Australasian Sexual Health Conference with one full day of overlap, providing a unique opportunity to look at HIV in the broader context of sexual health. Together, the conferences attract more than 1000 delegates from across the region.
Delegates to the conference come from a range of professional backgrounds including basic science, clinical medicine, community programs, education, epidemiology, indigenous health, international and regional issues, nursing and allied health, policy, primary care, public health and prevention, and social research.