
ASHM thanks all the indi­vidu­als and organ­isa­tions without whose con­tri­bu­tions  Remov­ing Bar­ri­ers would not have been possible


ACON — Sydney
Aus­tralasi­an Col­lege of Health Ser­vice Man­age­ment (ACHSM)
Aus­tralasi­an Hep­ato­logy Asso­ci­ation (AHA)
Aus­trali­an and New Zea­l­and Asso­ci­ation of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANZANAC)
Aus­trali­an Asso­ci­ation of Prac­tice Man­agers (AAPM)
Aus­trali­an Col­lege of Nurs­ing (ACN)
Aus­trali­an Fed­er­a­tion of AIDS Organ­isa­tions — (AFAO)
Aus­trali­an Health­care & Hos­pit­als Asso­ci­ation (AHHA)
Aus­trali­an Inject­ing and Illi­cit Drug Users League — (AIVL)
Aus­trali­an Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Foundation
Aus­trali­an Primary Health Care Nurses Asso­ci­ation Incor­por­ated  (APNA)
Aus­trali­an Sexu­al Health and HIV Nurses Asso­ci­ation (ASHHNA)
Bur­net Insti­tute for Med­ic­al Research and Pub­lic Health Limited
Centre for Social Research in Health (formerly NCHSR)
Clin­ic 275, STD Ser­vices, Roy­al Adelaide Hospital
Com­mu­nic­able Dis­eases Net­work Aus­tralia (CDNA)
Cre­at­ive Co
East Sydney Doctors
Fam­ily Plan­ning NSW
Head­space Hobart
Hep­at­it­is Australia
Hep­at­it­is NSW
Hep­at­it­is Victoria
Kirby Insti­tute
Liv­ing­Pos­it­ive Victoria
Mac­far­lane Bur­net Institute
May Media
Mel­bourne Met­ro­pol­it­an Remand
Metro North Hos­pit­al and Health Service
Mid North Coast Loc­al Health District
Nation­al Asso­ci­ation of People Liv­ing with HIV/AIDS (NAPWHA)
North Rich­mond Com­munity Health Centre
Pen­ing­ton Institute
Pos­it­ive Life NSW
Queens­land Pos­it­ive People
Roy­al Aus­trali­an Col­lege of Gen­er­al Prac­ti­tion­ers (RACGP)
Roy­al Bris­bane Hospital
Roy­al Dis­trict Nurs­ing Ser­vice (RDNS) — Heidelberg
Roy­al Prince Alfred Hospital
Scar­let Alli­ance, Aus­trali­an Sex Work­ers Association
South Aus­trali­an Health and Med­ic­al Research Institute
Tas­mania Health Ser­vice- South­ern Region
Tas­mani­an Statewide Sexu­al Health Service
The ID Crowd
The Kirby Institute
Think Con­tent
UNSW Uni­ver­sity of New South Wales
West­ern Aus­tralia Coun­try Health Ser­vice (WACHS)
West­ern Aus­tralia Primary Health Alliance
WA Sub­stance Users Asso­ci­ation (WASUA)
You Yangs Med­ic­al Clinic
United Yeah


Aaron Cogle
Alanna Geary
Alis­on Carter
Alis­on Verhoeven
Alis­on Ward
Aman­da Chambers
Andrew Red­mond
Aneill Kamath
Angela Corry
Angela Park­er
Angella Duvn­jak
Basil Donovan
Ben Wil­cock
Bill Pater­son
Brent Allan
Bron­wyn Morris-Donovan
Burg­lind Liddle
Carla Tre­loar
Car­ol El-Hayek
Cath­er­ine Chaffey
Christine Selvey
Claire Hup­patz
Colleen Gibbs
Craig Cooper
Darryl O’Don­nell
Dav­id Baker
Denton Cal­lander
Dolie Ufi
Eliza­beth Crock
Gil­lian Leach
Fiona Woth­er­spoon
Fran Bramwell
Gren­ville Rose
Helen Tyrrell
Heath­er Parlow
James Ham­let
James Ward
Jana Vander Jagt
Jane Henty
Jason Asselin
Jason Treth­ow­an
Jenny Fir­man
Jenny Heslop
Jime Lem­oire
Jod­ie Duggan
John Ryan
Jude Byrne
Julie Hill
Jules Kim
Juli­anne Bryce
Julie Khoury
Kar­en Price
Karine Miller
Kate Cross
Kate Scoles
Kev­in Marriott
Kirsten McMachon
Kylie Wool­cock
Learne Dur­ring­ton
Len­ore Nacua
Lim­in Mao
Linda Gov­an
Lisa Basti­an
Louise Owen
Luke Donkin
Mar­garet Hellard
Mar­garet McPherson
Mar­ie McWhinney
Mark Stoove
Mary Har­rod
Melanie Eagle
Melanie Walk­er
Michael Bourke
Neale Fong
Nic­olas Parkhill
Paul Des­sauer
Rebecca Guy
Rebecca Houghton
Rhi­an­non Jeffery
Ric Mil­ner
Roald Ver­steeg
Roger Gar­sia
Rowena Clift
Sally Spruce
Sharna Quigley
Simon O’Con­nor
Steph­en McNally
Sue Crock­er
Thomas Turn­bull
Vic­tor­ia Bryant

ASHM Staff

Levin­ia Crooks
Kar­en Seager
Scott McGill
Ostap Kornev
Melinda Has­sall
Shel­ley Kerr
Kate Ross
Katy Roy

The Australian Government Department of Health

While the Aus­trali­an Gov­ern­ment Depart­ment of Health provides fin­an­cial sup­port for Remov­ing Bar­ri­ers, the mater­i­al con­tained in this resource should not be taken to rep­res­ent the views of the Aus­trali­an Gov­ern­ment Depart­ment of Health