Please get in touch with us to provide feedback or report an error in any of our online learning modules: [email protected]
Make a difference:
This page is the door to learning modules targeted at people in different roles ion health-care setting. There are learning modules for receptionists, practice managers, nurses and students on health-related courses. To read more about the modules, click on the box that most closely describes you.
There are also two general modules: one about the importance of complete data and the other about the stigma and discrimination experienced in health care settings by people who inject drugs. These are open to any visitor to the website.
All the modules are available free of charge. You will need to enter an email address and password to access the modules of your choice.
How will you make a difference?
Training from other providers
“The Time Has Come” Enhancing HIV, STI and other sexual health services for MSM and transgender people in Asia and the Pacific: Training package for health providers to reduce stigma in health care settings
United Nations Development Programme
HIV Nursing — The Nursing Journal sharing best practive in HIV care (website)
Mediscript Ltd
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