Evidence from other sources

Here you can find research papers from Aus­tralia and over­seas on related bar­ri­ers to care

Stigma and discrimination around HIV and HCV in healthcare settings: research report — 2012

ASHM in part­ner­ship with Nation­al Centre in HIV Social Research (NCHSR)


Exploring intentions to discriminate against patients living with HIV/AIDS among future healthcare providers in Malaysia

Valer­ie A. Earnshaw,Harry Jin,Jeffrey Wickersham,Adeeba Kamarulzaman,Jacob John,Frederick L. Altice


Chronic unfairness report on the cost of OST

Pen­ing­ton Institute


The Royal District Nursing Service HIV Program in a changing epidemic: an action evaluation

The Roy­al Dis­trict Nurs­ing Service


Confronting discrimination: overcoming HIV-related stigma and discrimination in healthcare settings and beyond

Joint United Nations Pro­gramme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) | 2017 REFERENCE GUIDE


How one nurse’s experience of stigma at work led to change for all healthcare workers living with HIV

Vis­it website

Barriers to HCV treatment access from the drug user’s point of view: stigma, complex lives and damaged veins

Vis­it website